There is a ministry for everyone

Senior Choir 

     Thank you to Tucker Fremont who I missed thanking as contributing as a special musician during August.  Thanks to Tom Rusch and Cooper Wood who played keyboard during September, and to Tom, who accompanies the choir, as well.

     Senior Choir-continues to rehearse at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  We rehearse and sing in service almost weekly, but there will be some pre-planned days off.  We can always use additional singers and you do not have to make a weekly commitment to be a part of the choir.  High school aged and above are welcome. 

Intentional Faith Formation:

"Adult Christian Civics"

Tuesdays  September 10th to October 15th

6:00-7:00 p.m.

     Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know we find ourselves in the middle of a major election season.  The national party conventions have met, debate schedules are being negotiated, and we will select a new president and vice-president in November.            We will also cast our vote for one of Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate seats as well as our member of Congress.  In addition, we’ll be deciding state legislative seats and other local offices.  Make no mistake, there will be much on our November ballots.

     You are also likely aware of this congregation’s commitment to put our faith into action, that our understanding of discipleship informs our interactions with the public square.  And scripture shows us time and again how although we are not to be partisan, Jesus and the early church are certainly called to engagement with political forces.

     This season creates an opportunity to think together about how our faith lives and our political choices intersect.  Beginning September 10, we will gather for six weeks on Tuesday evenings at 6 for our next adult education programming.  We will be drawing on the Wisconsin Council of Churches’ study guide called “Jesus and Justice in Public.”

But we won’t be doing classroom learning alone.  Watertown’s Common Council also meets on two Tuesday evenings a month.  So, for three of our sessions (September 17, October 1, and October 15), we will end class by traveling to city hall and attending meetings of our local government, perhaps applying what we’re learning and making observations for our next session together.

     Although our class will end on October 15, our “final exam” will be held on Tuesday, November 5 as we seek to put our discipleship commitments into place when we make political choices for the common good.

---Pastor Chris

Social Justice Team  


Our Social Justice Team started meeting on March 24th.   Our number one concern was "Poverty and Homelessness." 

  This group determined a feasible goal would be to look into establishing a warming shelter to provide a hospitable place in Watertown for those out in the cold. 

* You are invited to the next Social Justice Team meeting  on Sunday, November 17th  11:30 a.m. at our church.  Contact the church office with questions .     

The Confirmation Experience

Watch this space for 2024-25 school year.

Children Ministry

Sunday School:   Preschool through 5th grade

Sundays at 9 a.m.

  Sunday School has started!  We will be having fun starting at 9am on Sundays. If you are interested in teaching Sunday School, please see me. I would like to set up a rotation for teachers.

Youth Group 

For Middle School and High Schooll

If you are interested in participating in Youth Group, please let me know! We would be meeting on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings, or Sundays after church.

Melissa Mattke,