First Congregational UCC Watertown WI

An Open and Affirming Congregation in an Open and Affirming Denomination

Watch this space for Updates or Cancellations

ATTENTION - Road Construction March 17th through Fall:   the intersedtion of Hwy 16 and E. Main Street will be closed.

Church members and friends AND Gingerbread Preschool and Childcare Center families:  Detour details will be available soon.

Check our "EVENTS"  page 




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Service Times

Sunday Morning Service: 10:00AM

We offer in person Worship Services

We are mask affirming.  We respect others who do or do not wear masks.  Our mask affirming policy allows congregational singing with or without masks.

Holy Communion is the first Sunday of the month. 

We are an open communion church, all are welcome.   

Coffee Fellowship is held every Sunday.

Our Location

120 Kuckkan Ln 

Watertown, WI 53094

Ph. (920) 261-6213 

Office Hours:  M-TH 

10-noon and 1-4 p.m  or by appointment.


Pastoral Contact

Rev. Dr. Chris Ross Minister

Church Office:   920-261-6213



"Welcome to our site! We are so glad that you are here. Take a look around to learn more about who we are as a church, our mission and vision for Christ, as well as information about how you can get involved in any of our events and minstries. We welcome you to come visit our church! If you have any questions at all, we would love to connect with you. "