There is a ministry for everyone

Senior Choir 

     Thank you to Tom Rusch and Cooper Wood who played keyboard during November, and who both accompanied the choir, as well.

     Senior Choir-continues to rehearse at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  We rehearse and sing in service almost weekly, but there will be some pre-planned days off.  We can always use additional singers and you do not have to make a weekly commitment to be a part of the choir.  High school aged and above are welcome.   

Stories from the Music

     Recently the choir sang the anthem, “When There’s Trust in the Room.”  The text was written by John Thornburg in 2012 for the members of HOLY CITY, a community of creativity made up entirely of members of The Hymn Society in the US and Canada.  They were purposed to create liturgies about what it means to be called, how to value the spiritual gifts, and how to engage in the ministry of justice and peace.  At the close of one of their gatherings, one of participants commented “Well, when there’s trust in the room, lots of things are possible.”  John took that phrase as the basis of the text of this song.

     Mark Miller was the music composer and has a passion for building community through music.  He adheres to Cornel West’s belief that “Justice is what love looks like in public.”  His sacred music is widely published and sung by communities of faith around the world.  You can find numerous YouTube recordings his music.

     This song is available as a congregational song, in addition to being a choir anthem.

Social Justice Team  


Our Social Justice Team started meeting on March 24th.   Our number one concern was "Poverty and Homelessness." 

  This group determined a feasible goal would be to look into establishing a warming shelter to provide a hospitable place in Watertown for those out in the cold. 

* You are invited to the next Social Justice Team meeting  on Sunday, March 16th  11:30 a.m. at our church.  Contact the church office with questions .     

Intentional Faith Formation:

Peace and Justice Issues in Palestine and Israel

Sundays at 9:00 a.m.  

Pastor Chris will continue adult education opportunity on peace and justice  issues in Palestine and Israel.  The class will meet at 9 a.m. (Sunday school time) on Sundays.

Watch this space for upcoming information.

Children Ministry

Sunday School:   Preschool through 5th grade

Sundays at 9 a.m.

 We have started our Creation unit. We are starting at the beginning and making our way through the Bible.  We are taking our time and asking a lot of questions. We always take an opportunity to talk about our week as well. We are making great friendships! I will be having hip replacement surgery on February 5th, so we will not be having Sunday School on Feb 9th or 16. We will see how I am feeling after that! Hopeful for a quick recovery!

Youth Group 

I would like to plan a date in March to have a meeting to see if we have interest and availability for Youth Group to start. I will update you after my surgery and recovery with a date!

Melissa Mattke,

The Confirmation Experience

Watch this space for 2024-25 school year.